Forum | Topics | Posts | Last Posts |
| The history of Annihilation guild, our heroes, and things we have done.
| 4 | 6 | 25/5/2015, 6:30 pm xonzybogly |
| Here is where you can get the news of incoming events, photo sessions, Guild Quests and lots more!
| 3 | 8 | 8/11/2008, 10:44 pm prohermit82 |
| Chat all you ever wanted about Maple or the guild here!
| 5 | 28 | 30/12/2007, 2:57 pm o0JuMp0o |
| Always don't get a slot at party maps like Mysterious Path 3 and Mix Golem? Reserve a slot here so it won't get taken.
| 1 | 2 | 8/11/2008, 10:35 pm prohermit82 |
| Discuss about item pricing, buy or sell your rare and wondrous items here!
| 2 | 6 | 11/12/2007, 9:53 am o0JuMp0o |
| Anything new coming up in Maple Korea or Maple Japan and you don't know who or where to share it? Why not here?
| 10 | 21 | 15/6/2008, 10:22 pm kingdombutts |
| While waiting for Maple to patch up, chat about the updates and give your comments here!
| 0 | 0 | |
| Share your artworks, self made animations or siggies that you are proud of here!
| 4 | 27 | 3/11/2007, 4:16 pm Khal |
| Wierd, funny, lame or touching screenshots or videos that you want to share get posted here.
| 2 | 10 | 28/1/2008, 8:45 pm WarOfPriest |
| Anybody harassing, abusing, or kill - stealing you? Report it here and we'll keep an eye out on them.
| 2 | 1 | 16/1/2008, 4:47 pm Khal |
| Talk here about subjects not regarding anything about MapleStory or Annihilation.
| 1 | 1 | 15/6/2008, 10:02 pm kingdombutts |
| Where all the trash topics that are still watched go to.
| 0 | 0 | |
| There are many ways we can improve this forum, share your ideas here and it may come true.
| 1 | 3 | 15/4/2008, 3:47 pm wildzmagicz |